Format & Rules

Format & Rules

Tournament delimitations

Category Open
Event Singles Mixed

Women A – 8 pins per game

Women B – 15 pins per game

Men B – 8 pins per game

Max scratch game

Women A – 292

Women B – 285

Men B – 292

Other kind of handicaps

Tournament Format


Primary entry, 6 games

Re-entries, 6 games


 1 game EU Style without previous re-dressing

36 athletes will qualify for the final steps as follows:

A: Top 23 from the general standing

B: Top 3 from squad 17-20

C: Top 3 from squad 13-16

D: The highest scoring athlete from squad 11-12

E: Top 2 from squad 7-10

F: Top 2 from squad 1-6

The 11 athletes qualified from Categories B-F will be internally seeded 24-34 according to positions in the qualification

G: Top 2 from the desperado squad, seeded 35-36 according to positions in the qualification

Athletes are qualified from only one category in the order A-B-C-D-E-F-G

Qualifications from Squads 1-19


If an athlete is qualified from more than one category, the next positioned athlete in the non-used categories of a multiple qualified athlete, will qualify in his place

Entering final steps

Athletes positioned 1-4 in the general standing are qualified directly for the final step 3, seeded 1-4

Athletes positioned 5-16 in the general standing are qualified directly for the final step 2

All other qualified athletes are qualified for the final step 1

Final Step 1

20 athletes will play 3 games starting from scratch

Top 8 will qualify for the final step 2

Athletes not qualified will be ranked 25-36 according to their positions in the final step 1

Final Step 2

20 athletes will play 3 games starting from scratch

Top 12 will qualify for step 3, seeded 5-16

Athletes not qualified will be ranked 17-24 according to their positions in the final step 2

Matching of step 3, 4 and 5

The highest seeded athlete will be matched against the lowest seeded athlete. the second highest seeded athlete against the second lowest seeded athlete etc.

Final Step 3

There will be 8 knockout matches, 2 games total pin fall to count

The 8 winners will qualify for final step 4

Athletes not qualified will be ranked 9-16 according to their seeding

Final step 4

There will be 4 knockout matches, 2 games total pin fall to count

The 4 winners will qualify for step 5

Athletes not qualified will be ranked 5-8 according to their seeding

Final step 5 

4 athletes will play 2 games total pin fall to count

Top 3 will qualify for step 6

Athlete not qualified will be ranked 4

Final step 6

3 athletes will play 2 games total pin fall to count

Top 2 will qualify for step 7

Athlete not qualified will be ranked 3

Final step 7

2 athletes will play 2 games total pin fall to count

The looser of the match will be ranked 2

The winner of the match will be ranked 1

Tournament tie rules


In case of a tie, the highest positioned athlete will be the athlete scoring the highest last game. If a tie still exists, the highest positioned athlete will be the athlete scoring the highest second last game etc.

Final Step 1-2

In case of a tie, the highest positioned athlete will be the athlete scoring the highest game. If a tie still exists, the highest positioned athlete will be the athlete scoring the highest second  game etc.

Final Step 3-7

In case of a tie in any match, a one ball roll-off on a full set of pins will be played, repeated until tie is broken.

No shows for final steps

Absent athletes for final steps won’t be replaced

Absent athletes will be positioned last in the step of their absence and, if more than one absence, internally ranked according to their qualification positions

Lane assignments and lane movements

Lane draws Random impartial draws prior to all qualifying squads
Athletes per pair in squads Maximum five
Frequency of movement After one game
Movement method Players on the right lane, moves right and players on the left lane, moves left
Number of lanes to move One pair (2 lanes)

Booking policies


All Greek Athletes (A and D cards) must register through 

A maximum of two squads can be booked before the tournament starts

Reservations Entry reservations, as well as re-entry reservations, without payment 24 hours before the scheduled squad time, will be taken on a first-come-first-served basis. Waiting lists will be made, when necessary.
Booking restriction during None
Total number of bookings Unlimited
Booking cancellations Possible
Registration deadline 30 minutes before scheduled squad times

Athletes category

Athletes, who want to compete in the B Category, must, before the tournament starts, be able to present an official letter from their national federation proving, that their annual average is less than 180 for male athletes and less than 170 for female athletes.

Athletes, who have participated in any national team, are placed in the A Category.

All scores count for Singles Mixed. If an athlete is registered for Category B, but his score qualifies him/her in top 36 of Singles Mixed, he/she will in addition also earn the prize for Category B.

Grades basis of averages for Kivelos Athens Bowling Open 2023, defined by the following table:

Athlete Category Average
Women Α 170+
Women Β <170
Men Α 180+
Men B <180